SL standard for sign language proposed - News Summed Up

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SL standard for sign language proposed

Speaking to The Morning, NCPA Chairman Prof. Muditha Vidanapathirana said that they had written to the Ministry of Education, the Department of Social Services, and the National Institute of Education with regard to developing a standard for sign language. “This standard sign language, once developed, can then be taught in special schools and in inclusive education and will help address problems faced in communication. Most only have diplomas on aspects such as braille and sign language. According to Prof. Vidanapathirana, the need to educate the Police with regard to understanding such invisible disabilities was demonstrated by an incident of child abuse reported from Aluthgama in May 2020. This brochure will be distributed among the Police.”The Cabinet of Ministers had on 18 January decided to approve accepting sign language as a recognised language and thereby had advised the Legal Draftsman to draft a bill designating sign language as a formal means of communication to provide for the hearing impaired community in the country to access educational needs, legal matters, health facilities, and government and private services.

Source: The Nation January 27, 2021 22:07 UTC

