Runanga withdraws mining objections - News Summed Up
Runanga withdraws mining objections

Runanga withdraws mining objections

September 22, 2021 16:41 UTC

Trending Today

Runanga withdraws mining objections

Opposition to a mining venture on the Barrytown flats, about 25km north of Greymouth, has taken a significant dive, with the withdrawal of objections from manawhenua. Te Runanga o Ngati Waewae had opposed the application in its entirety, citing concerns about the impact on local waterways and coastal lagoon. But it has now withdrawn its objections after the company made changes to its proposed conditions. Buffer zones 20m wide would be created around the property boundaries before mining started, and native plantings would screen the site from the highway, beach and neighbours. The site would be restored to productive farmland and handed back to the owners once mining was finished, Mr Straface said.

Source: Otago Daily Times September 22, 2021 16:41 UTC

