Rotation of US aircraft carriers underscores unending Red Sea war with Houthis - News Summed Up

Rotation of US aircraft carriers underscores unending Red Sea war with Houthis

Over the past seven months, there have been almost 200 attacks on cargo ships, including at times directly targeting U.S. warships. “This marks the fourth attack by Iranian-backed Houthis on the MV Transworld Navigator,” CENTCOM said in a news release. “We are committed to continuing the war after a pause in order to complete the goal of eliminating Hamas. “I would just tell you that we still don’t want to see a second front opened up,” White House national security communications adviser John Kirby said last week. p.m. 2100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security book discussion: The National Security Constitution in the 21st Century, with author Harold Koh, professor of international law at Yale Law School and former State Department legal adviser

Source: Washington Post June 24, 2024 12:03 UTC

