Paul Davidson, Post Keynesian economist and fierce critic of conservative economics, dies at 93 - News Summed Up

Paul Davidson, Post Keynesian economist and fierce critic of conservative economics, dies at 93

Paul Davidson, renowned economist and advocate for humane economic policies, passed away on June 20, 2024. Born October 23, 1930, in Brooklyn, NY, Paul Davidson dedicated his life to challenging conventional economic theories and advocating for policies that prioritized human welfare over abstract models. Paul Davidson was co-founding editor with Sidney Weintraub of the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics (JPKE). Davidson mentored many aspiring economists as a professor at Rutgers, the University of Tennessee, and the New School among other institutions. Unfortunately, my mother became more seriously ill right at that time, and despite my father’s passionate advocacy for progressive economic policies, he always prioritized his love and devotion to his wife.

Source: New York Times June 24, 2024 12:00 UTC

