Researchers unearth fossils of giant otter in China - News Summed Up

Researchers unearth fossils of giant otter in China

Scientists have unearthed fossils of an intriguingly large otter as big as a wolf that frolicked in rivers and lakes in a lush, warm and humid wetlands region in southwestern China about 6.2 million years ago. The researchers used sophisticated scanning to digitally reconstruct it, discovering it boasted a mix of otter-like and badger-like skull and dental traits. The largest otter alive today is the South American giant river otter, weighing up to about 70 pounds. But otter evolution is not well understood, with fossils rare and scattered around the world. Siamogale melilutra may not be the largest otter ever, with fossils of another one that may be the biggest previously found in Africa.

Source: CBC News January 23, 2017 16:34 UTC

