‘Bring on the shirtless men’: Why it’s acceptable to objectify the male body but not the female’s - News Summed Up

‘Bring on the shirtless men’: Why it’s acceptable to objectify the male body but not the female’s

Lay off.”All the while, female objectification has become increasingly taboo. Can male objectification be annoying? Candid female-oriented media outlets like Jezebel and Broadly discuss formerly taboo topics, while series like Girls exhibit realistic depictions of female sexuality. Despite all the navel-gazing of male celebrities, women’s sexuality isn’t taken seriously, and that’s why male objectification isn’t as much of a threat. While men catcalling women on the street further distorts the gender imbalance, women sexualizing men actually evens the gender playing field.

Source: National Post January 23, 2017 16:21 UTC

