The new report cards, to be in place for 2018-19, are expected to include teacher evaluations on “transferable skills” — with less of a focus on areas like organization that are a part of the “work habits” section on current report cards — while retaining marks for individual classes. Unions, too, “for sure will be at the table as we transform and refresh the system, including the report card aspect,” she said later at Queen’s Park. Teachers spend weeks preparing for EQAO, weeks that they could be delivering the curriculum in a different way. It takes up a significant amount of time.” He said curriculum changes are welcome, but shouldn’t be rushed and teachers must receive timely professional development. “Regardless of the (upcoming provincial) election or the political reality, we want to make sure the curriculum and report cards and everything around that is rolled out in the right way,” he said.
Source: thestar September 06, 2017 22:18 UTC