Promoting sustainable peace during the pandemic - News Summed Up

Promoting sustainable peace during the pandemic

A two day virtual conference that will discuss solutions for transforming education and promoting sustainable peace during the coronavirus pandemic and to begin preparing for recovery is set to begin tomorrow. The conference under the theme “Transforming Societies for Sustainable Peace and Development: Through Moral and Innovative Leadership in Education and Peace building” will bring over 1,000 multi-sector participants to discuss the key issues. These include peace practitioners and experts, educators, religious leaders, governmental stakeholders, NGOs, school administrators, and media representatives from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, African, India, USA, UK, European Union, and other countries. Dr. Samuel Kobia and the CEO of the Standard Group PLC Orlando Lyomu. To participate register in advance for the conference through this link:

Source: Standard Digital July 29, 2020 18:27 UTC

