MUMBAI: Priyanka Chopra has decided to cut ties with billionaire diamond trader Nirav Modi’s brand following the news about the alleged banking fraud carried out by him. “In the light of recent allegations, Priyanka Chopra has chosen to terminate her contract with the Nirav Modi brand,” a spokesperson of Priyanka, who was the global brand ambassador for Nirav Modi, said in a statement issued on Friday. As the news about the multi-crore scam involving Nirav Modi came to light earlier this month, a statement from the actor read that she was seeking legal opinion on her contract. There were also speculations that she is suing the brand for non-payment of dues. Both Nirav Modi and Choksi are said to have left the country, along with their family members, in early January.
Source: Pakistan Today February 23, 2018 10:52 UTC