Punjab law minister says former prime minister Nawaz Sharif "a plus" for ruling partyPunjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah on Friday said that those in favour of the ‘minus-Nawaz’ formula are bound to fail in the upcoming general elections of 2018. While addressing the media, Sanaullah said Nawaz Sharif is “a plus”, and will always remain so. And the Constitution is supreme to the Supreme Court itself.”He said the Supreme Court (SC) is just another constitutional body and that its job is to ensure the protection of rights given in the Constitution. Nawaz Sharif is still PML-N chair: Interior Minister“It is unprecedented how Nawaz was singled out by such verdicts,” the law minister said. The provincial law minister also criticised the manner in which National Accountability Bureau (NAB) arrested Lahore Development Authority’s (LDA) former director general Ahad Cheema.
Source: The Express Tribune February 23, 2018 10:18 UTC