A few weeks ahead of the Egyptian presidential election, Minister of Endowments Mohamed Mokhtar said that participation in the upcoming election is a “legitimate demand” and a national duty aimed at building a democratic state. During a talk organized by Cairo University in the framework of its cultural season, entitled ‘Youth and Community Building’, Mokhtar said that it is the right of all Egyptian citizens to participate in election. He said that some extremists spread provocative and incorrect beliefs claiming that there is a contradiction between the state and religion. Therefore, it said, every Muslim should cast his vote to choose his or her rulers. The upcoming presidential election in Egypt will begin on March 26, with only two candidates running, the current President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and the Chair of Ghad Party, Moussa Mustafa Moussa, who submitted his official papers minutes before the deadline.
Source: Egypt Independent March 12, 2018 14:26 UTC