Photos: Cottonil enters Guinness World Records for making largest underwear - News Summed Up

Photos: Cottonil enters Guinness World Records for making largest underwear

From performing the most two-finger push-ups with one arm in one minute, to breaking 10 plastic hangers in 4.60 seconds and manufacturing the largest cheese slice in the world, Egypt has been making it to Guinness World Records for some pretty impressive records. The latest of which was announced last Wednesday by textile company Cottonil, for manufacturing the largest underwear in the world. The dimensions of the under shirt reached 36.49 meters long and 27.65 meters wide, weighing 230 kilograms, while the dimensions of the undershorts reached 18.09 meters long and 25.36 meters wide, weighing 200 kilograms, according to Guinness World Records. The company added that its manufactured rubber band used in the underwear is two meters long, with a perimeter of 25 meters. Owned by Bassel Samekia, a Syrian businessman, Cottonil has been the leading underwear and home-wear brand in Egypt since 1999.

Source: Egypt Independent March 12, 2018 13:41 UTC

