Parents of Garissa attack victims sue for compensation - News Summed Up

Parents of Garissa attack victims sue for compensation

News Parents of students killed in Garissa University attack sue for compensationThe suit was filed at the High Court in Nairobi by nine parents. FILE PHOTO | NMGParents of 28 students who lost their lives during a terror attack on Garissa University College four years ago have sued the government for compensation. “It is against this background that the parents of the students who were killed in the Garissa University attack bring this petition,” they say. The parents claim that prior to the attack, letters had been dropped along Garissa Road notifying non-Muslim students to vacate the university's premises or face a terrorist attack. They have sued the Cabinet Secretaries for Education, Defence and Interior, the Inspector-General of Police, the National Police Service, Garissa University College as well as the Attorney-General.

Source: The North Africa Journal April 03, 2019 19:10 UTC

