Organic Olive Cultivation Increasing Worldwide - News Summed Up

Organic Olive Cultivation Increasing Worldwide

See more: Organic Olive Oil NewsNot only has the area of organic farmland increased across the world, so has the number of organic producers, while the organic retail market continues to grow in size. Nearly 2.2 million acres of the world’s organic farmland was used for olive cultivation in 2017. Tunisia is actually the country with the largest organic land area dedicated to olive cultivation, with more than 629,000 acres. Europe has experienced a 92-percent increase in organic olive cultivation in the past 10 years. Only 10 percent of its total organic permanent cropland is used for olive cultivation, but it is still the continent with the largest organic land area used for olives: 1.46 million acres of cropland are covered in organic olive groves.

Source: The North Africa Journal April 03, 2019 19:00 UTC

