Pakistan’s minister of information and broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry on Sunday assured his help to filmmaker Nandita Das in lifting the ban on her latest directorial Manto in the country. Chaudhry took to Twitter to extend his help, saying he was trying to convince film importers to present a “less commercial film” like the Nawazuddin Siddiqui-starrer. Das also expressed her gratitude towards activists, writers and artistes from Pakistan who raised their voice protesting against the ban of her film Manto in the neighbouring country and appealed to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan via an open letter. The filmmaker also shared the link of the letter, which has been signed by 16 people including Manto’s daughters Nighat, Nusrat and Nuzhat. In October this year, the Pakistan Film Producers Association (PFPA) demanded a complete ban on the release of Indian films in the country.
Source: Hindustan Times December 16, 2018 11:48 UTC