Online search helping to look for paraglider - News Summed Up

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Online search helping to look for paraglider

PHOTO: FACEBOOKPeople around the world are searching for former Wanaka paraglider James "Kiwi" Oroc (Johnson) without leaving their computer screens. Mr Oroc was last seen on Saturday in Nye County, southwest of the town of Eureka, in Nevada. Search co-ordinators in the United States are suggesting those wanting to help search for the missing paraglider log on to The hope is someone might spot Mr Oroc’s white, blue and grey Zeno paraglider or his white or possibly red reserve parachute. In a recent update, search team member Amanda Jane said an extensive search near where his Garmin GPS device last put out a signal found no sign of him.

Source: Otago Daily Times August 28, 2020 16:30 UTC

