Northern Ireland Green Party’s General Election manifesto at a glance - News Summed Up

Northern Ireland Green Party’s General Election manifesto at a glance

– GreenerThe Green Party includes six missions in this section described as being in pursuit of a sustainable and compassionate future. The missions include making it easier and cheaper to reduce energy consumption with pledges to push for community ownership of all sustainable energy infrastructure and investment in solar, wind and other renewable technologies coupled with incentives to make these sources more efficient and accessible. Party leader Mal O’Hara (right) and deputy leader Lesley Veronica (seated left) during the manifesto launch at the Show Some Love Greenhouse centre in Belfast (Rebecca Black/PA)The party also pledges to work to make green transport more accessible, to restore and protect green space, protect natural resources, support a more sustainable and secure food supply chain and protect animals. – CleanerThe Green Party pledges in a joint effort with its sister parties across the UK and Ireland to tackle greenhouse gas emissions by making clean, renewable energy more efficient and accessible. – FairerThe Green Party pledges to work for a fairer society, seeking to reform taxation to ensure those with the most pay their fair share.

Source: The Herald June 28, 2024 16:40 UTC

