North Africa's Renewables Revolution: Unlocking The Region's Potential For Climate Resilience - News Summed Up

North Africa's Renewables Revolution: Unlocking The Region's Potential For Climate Resilience

However, with abundant solar and wind potential, North Africa is well-positioned to lead the way in renewables-based climate resilience. As the largest energy market in Africa, North Africa, excluding Sudan, stands out with notable socio-economic development, industrialization, and access to modern energy. This unique combination, coupled with the region’s vast renewables potential, positions North Africa as a potential leader in the global energy transition. In contrast to the global trend where private sector financing dominates renewables development funding, North Africa relies heavily on public finance. North Africa stands at the crossroads of a renewables revolution, ready to harness its potential for climate resilience and sustainable development.

Source: The North Africa Journal February 27, 2024 12:27 UTC

