Shifting Identities, Shifting Data: How the Census is Redefining Race - Non Profit News - News Summed Up

Shifting Identities, Shifting Data: How the Census is Redefining Race - Non Profit News

For the first time in 27 years, the US Census is changing how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity. Therefore, the racial and ethnic categories included within census data are crucial for addressing the needs of different communities. However, since race is a social construct, and therefore malleable, the US Census has approached the race question differently over time. Having representation like that, it feels meaningful.”Changes to the US Census…will inevitably continue to shape the health data landscape. Therefore, changes to the US Census have spillover effects on health data collection efforts, and will inevitably continue to shape the health data landscape.

Source: The North Africa Journal July 01, 2024 19:10 UTC

