This prestigious accolade recognises the exceptional efforts and dedication of the staff, led by Diana Jarvis, who have driven the scheme forward over the past 16 years. He said: “Back in 2008 my first Young Reporter at Tiffin Boys was blown away by the number of hits his article received about Twitter, as he predicted its spread across the globe with readers in New Zealand responding to his article. “So exciting for a young person to see the impact of their journalism beyond our borders, as well as reporting on local stories that so often do not reach the outside world.”Tessa Bartholomew, a teacher who has organised the course in two different schools, said: “I cannot recommend the Young Reporter Scheme highly enough; I have thoroughly enjoyed it, as have all the Young Reporters I have supported.”For more information about the Young Reporter Scheme visit As Newsquest enters its 17th year with the Young Reporter Scheme, it continues to offer new cohorts of students valuable training and real-life media experience. The Young Reporter Scheme not only prepares students for potential careers in journalism but also equips them with essential life skills.
Source: The Times November 26, 2024 08:07 UTC