New wave of protective writs against Milei’s mega-decree - News Summed Up

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New wave of protective writs against Milei’s mega-decree

Since the country’s top labor court blocked its labor reforms on Wednesday due to protective writs against that specific chapter of the decree, a surge of writs from different sectors is trying to replicate the move. Among the parties filing new protective writs in response are the Press Workers’ Argentine Federation (Fatpren in Spanish) and the Argentine Federation of Travel and Tourism Companies (Faevyt). You may also be interested in: Milei’s decree has landed in court. The judiciary is currently in summer recess, but some courts have lifted it to analyze the protective writs presented against the DNU. You may also be interested in: How Milei’s mega-decree has sparked a fight with Argentine football clubs

Source: Bueno Aires Herald January 08, 2024 12:46 UTC

