New book provides insights into Jewish life and community in Argentina and Canada - News Summed Up

New book provides insights into Jewish life and community in Argentina and Canada

After the United States, Argentina and Canada are home to two of the largest Jewish communities in the Americas. York University professor David S. Koffman and I recently co-edited the book, Promised Lands North and South: Jewish Canada and Jewish Argentina in Conversation, which is the first to comparatively explore Jewish communities in the two countries, Argentina and Canada. Among Jewish Manitobans, this produced a sense of concern over the possible disappearance of the province’s Jewish community. In 1995, the Winnipeg Jewish community encouraged Jewish Argentines to emigrate to the city. When the Winnipeg Jewish community faced what seemed an insurmountable demographic challenge, it found a solution in Jewish Argentina.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 20, 2024 12:26 UTC

