Rights Watchdogs decry ‘unprecedented’ clampdown on migrants, critics in Tunisia – The North Africa Post - News Summed Up

Rights Watchdogs decry ‘unprecedented’ clampdown on migrants, critics in Tunisia – The North Africa Post

In the past few days, Tunisian authorities arrested lawyers and journalists in an “”an unprecedented repressive clampdown,” Amnesty International said. As the Tunisian regime continues to scapegoat migrants for its economic crisis, thousands of migrants have suffered violence and have been thrown in harsh conditions on the Algerian and Libyan borders. The critics who denounce the inhumane treatment reserved to migrants face arrest like Saadia Mosbah, a black Tunisian activist who defends migrants’ rights. The US and the EU have asked the Tunisian government to clarify and condemn the targeting of critics and migrants. However, the Tunisian President seems unconcerned as he seems to be replicating the Gaddafi tactics of weaponizing migration by using migrants as pawns in negotiating aid with the EU.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 20, 2024 11:31 UTC

