Musicians Launch Drive for More Funding for Arts in Africa - News Summed Up

Musicians Launch Drive for More Funding for Arts in Africa

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Performers from Ghana, Ethiopia and Tanzania have helped launch a five-year project to try to secure more funding for arts and culture, aiming to persuade African governments to allocate at least 1% of their budgets. The project, called Connect for Culture Africa (CfCA) has been started by the African Union in collaboration with Selam Ethiopia, a non-governmental organisation that uses film, music and circus performances to address issues such as women rights. The African Union was not immediately available for further comment. Vitali Maembe, a musician from Tanzania who took part in Thursday night's concert to launch the project, told Reuters he hoped that more funding would help artists to be better educated. Hundreds of revellers from Ethiopia and other African countries attended the concert, with music performances featuring saxophones, guitars, drums and traditional Ethiopian instruments.

Source: Ethiopian News May 26, 2023 14:12 UTC

