The Delhi High Court has called for a special in-chamber meeting with three top officials of the Delhi police to ensure that the authorities are sensitised to the issue of drug trafficking network in the national capital after an increase in the number of missing children in the city, especially in the Aman Vihar area. A bench of Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice P S Teji asked RP Upadhyay, Special Commissioner of Police (crimes), Alok Kumar, Joint Commissioner of Police and Joy Tirkey, Deputy Commissioner of police to come for an in-camera meeting. Let the said officers be present in the court on February 6,” the bench said. The court’s direction came while hearing a case filed by one Asha, a rag picker, whose two daughters aged eight and 10 years have been missing from the Delhi’s Aman Vihar district. Taking note of the “alarmingly” large number of missing cases of minors and adults in the area, the court had said it “reflects an extremely poor state of affairs” there.
Source: dna February 03, 2018 00:56 UTC