Ministers trumpet fresh education plan with £25m for new instruments - News Summed Up

Ministers trumpet fresh education plan with £25m for new instruments

All schools will be expected to have a leader on music education under new Government plans, while a £25 million funding pot will pay for around 200,000 new instruments to boost students’ learning. The refreshed National Plan For Music Education was originally due to have been published in autumn 2020 but was knocked back due to the Covid pandemic. The PE and Sport Premium will also be funded for another year, in 2022/23, in a move to support children’s physical and mental health. The extension, worth £320 million, will help children enjoy leading more physical lives, according to the minister for public health. “That’s why I’m thrilled that we’re updating our National Plan For Music Education, as well as providing students with around 200,000 new musical instruments.

Source: The Times June 25, 2022 21:12 UTC

