Boris Johnson planned £150,000 treehouse for son Wilf amid cost of living crisis - News Summed Up

Boris Johnson planned £150,000 treehouse for son Wilf amid cost of living crisis

One source said ‘he was told it would look terrible’ (Picture: PA /Getty Images / Reuters)Boris Johnson planned to build a £150,000 treehouse at Chequers for his son Wilf but plans were rejected over security concerns. Despite the cost of living crisis, the prime minister and his wife Carrie Johnson wanted to build the treehouse in the grounds of Chequers. Lord Brownlow, a Tory donor, ranked 521st richest person in the UK, was set to fund the treehouse for Wilf. This is not the first time the prime minister has come under fire for spending excessive amounts of money on home decor. At a cost of more than £100,000, the prime minister and wife Carrie did up the four-bed flat above Number 11 Downing Street.

Source: The Times June 25, 2022 21:05 UTC

