Middle school club teaches carpentry techniques and refurbishing skills 國中開木工社團 學技藝兼整修課桌椅 - News Summed Up

Middle school club teaches carpentry techniques and refurbishing skills 國中開木工社團 學技藝兼整修課桌椅

The Tainan City Government Bureau of Education has established the Tainan School Desk and Chairs Recycling Center in Liujia Junior High School, with a social club helping students interested in carpentry learn a specialized skill. The center has brought in teachers from the Nan Jeon University of Science and Technology departments of Interior Design and Creative Design to teach students how to design and work on products made of wood. Students are shown everything from being able to recognize different types of wood to product design, from the proper use of tools to product development, helping them to design and create their very own completely unique works. He added that, if you want to make the piece as good as it could be, you need to be focused on the task and to work as part of a team, and that this is something that you cannot learn from a textbook. (CNA, translated by Paul Cooper)台南市政府教育局在六甲國中成立「台南市課桌椅再生中心」,讓對木工有興趣的學生利用社團活動學得一技之長。該中心禮聘南榮科技大學室內設計與創意產品設計系的老師,指導學生設計與加工木製物品。從木材認識、產品設計、工具運用與產品開發,讓學生能設計並製作出獨一無二的作品。參加木工社團的學生陳玄佑表示,原本只想在暑假選一個社團參加,但在上課後,對於木工技藝有更深的認知與喜愛。從木材原料到成品的製作過程,可獲得很大的成就感。如果要把作品做到完善,還需要認真態度與團隊合作,這是在課本中學不到的。(中央社)

Source: Taipei Times December 06, 2017 15:56 UTC

