Meet women, founded Rs 182884 crore firm, may be expelled from her own company, she lost…Divya Gokulnath hails from a middle-class family and attended tuition classes where Byju Raveendran was the teacher. Divya Gokulnath began her career as a teacher in 2008 at the age of 21. Divya Gokulnath, co-founder of Byju’s and wife of Byju Raveendran, is trending all over social media platforms as her company tackles a major crisis. For those who are unaware, Byju's had a peak valuation of around Rs 182884 crore and it is now valued less than Rs 1662 crore. According to Inc42, Divya Gokulnath is one of the highest-paid edtech entrepreneurs, and took home a gross salary of Rs 1.94 crore in the Financial Year 2020.
Source: dna February 21, 2024 04:49 UTC