Earlier, in the wake of the #MeToo movement going on at the moment, actress Chitrangda Singh too recounted her harrowing experience while shooting for Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer Kushan Nandy's 2016 film Babumoshai Bandookbaaz. As per reports, Chitrangada was asked to “take off her sari, get on top of her hero and rub herself”. When Chitrangada protested, she was subjected to taunts until she put her foot down. She has been quoted as saying, “I pleaded that this was not in my comfort zone. Even when I was being harassed on the sets of Babumoshai Bandookbaaz, the film’s lady producer was there making things worse for me.”On the work front, Chitrangada Singh will next be seen in Bazaar alongside Saif Ali Khan and debut actor Rohan Mehra.
Source: dna October 16, 2018 03:56 UTC