The break-in was caught on security footage at Jai Thai Boxing Gym in central Wellington. A man has been arrested after a gym was broken into and vandalised with pornographic drawings, and a computer was used to watch pornography for 10 hours. In a statement on Monday, a police spokeswoman said a 33-year-old man had been charged with burglary at the gym, and an unrelated burglary allegedly committed in central Wellington the night before, on September 2. READ MORE:* Night-time intruders break into gym, spend 10 hours watching porn and drawing graphic images on wallsKEVIN STENT/Stuff Dozens of images were drawn in several bathrooms in the Victoria St building. “Wellington police would like to thank the public for coming forward with information about these incidents,” the spokeswoman said.
Source: Stuff September 06, 2021 00:23 UTC