Mahama’s Presidency Assured, Deaths, EC Will Misbehave & More – Check Full Details Of Nigel Gaisie's 2024 Prophecies - News Summed Up

Mahama’s Presidency Assured, Deaths, EC Will Misbehave & More – Check Full Details Of Nigel Gaisie's 2024 Prophecies

“I was inspired to give 30 prophecies (in 2023), about 27 of them came to pass,” he declared after showing receipts of his right prophecies. 2024 is a year of prosperity, abundance in nations of the world and life of individuals unlike last and two years ago. Ants eating the flag of NPP, whiles watching, a greater part of flag was eaten and I woke up from sleep8. 12. Notable Man of God of Ga ancestry leaving the world but that he is praying against it13. EC will misbehaveSource: Ghanaweb.comDisclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of

Source: GhanaWeb January 01, 2024 17:41 UTC

