MOFA’s Resolution 2758 appeal - News Summed Up

MOFA’s Resolution 2758 appeal

MOFA’s Resolution 2758 appealBy Lin Tzu-yao (林子堯) and Cathy FangThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) recently held a press conference to unveil an action plan with four pillars regarding UN Resolution 2758. Coincidentally, the US Congress passed the Taiwan International Solidarity Act (TISA), aligning with MOFA’s demands and providing a timely boost for proactive and bold planning. Two significant aspects of Resolution 2758 should be considered. Previously, governments around the world, including the US, have taken a somewhat reserved approach to the question of whether Resolution 2758 applies to Taiwan’s status. We must safeguard the rights of Taiwanese citizens within the UN and reject any efforts by China to distort Resolution 2758.

Source: Taipei Times September 18, 2023 21:44 UTC

