Lotto lout Michael Carroll reveals he is working as a £10-an-hour coalman - News Summed Up

Lotto lout Michael Carroll reveals he is working as a £10-an-hour coalman

Lotto lout Michael Carroll now works as a £10-an-hour coalmanLotto lout Michael Carroll reveals he has a new job working as a £10-an-hour coalman after blowing his £9.7million jackpot. But now he works as a coalman in Moray, Scotland - a far cry from his short-lived lavish lifestyle. It was ten years of fun for a pound, you can't go wrong with that,' Mickey told The Mirror. But I live a good, free lifestyle now and I'm happier because I've got my life back.' He bought the lucky £1 ticket when he was just 19 years old and was working as a binman in Norfolk.

Source: Daily Mail November 16, 2019 02:09 UTC

