Jeremy Corbyn could face a landslide election defeat says top pollster - News Summed Up

Jeremy Corbyn could face a landslide election defeat says top pollster

Jeremy Corbyn could be heading for a landslide election defeat similar to Michael Foot’s crushing loss to Margaret Thatcher in 1983, a leading pollster said yesterday. He added: ‘We are now moving into quite clear Conservative government majority territory.’ The 1983 election saw Labour’s Michael Foot lose by a landslide to Margaret Thatcher. Mr Kellner said that while some of Mr Corbyn’s ‘controversial policies’ were popular with some voters, they didn’t trust him to implement them. But that was not certain, explained Mr Kellner. But there was no doubt that Mr Johnson currently held the upper hand over Mr Corbyn, said Mr Kellner.

Source: Daily Mail November 16, 2019 02:08 UTC

