Libya, Tunisia, and Niger as Case Studies for Counter-Productive Anti-Migration Policies: Sustaining Abuses and Criminality - News Summed Up

Libya, Tunisia, and Niger as Case Studies for Counter-Productive Anti-Migration Policies: Sustaining Abuses and Criminality

This includes acknowledging the extensive proof of ongoing abuses in countries like Libya, Tunisia, and Niger, and halting returns to unsafe countries. Moreover, the outsourcing of EU migration controls to third countries has proven ineffective in its objective of curbing migration. Hence, current anti-migration policies merely serve EU member states’ internal political messaging, while being counterproductive to their main objective. Political Choices: EU Anti-Migration Efforts in Libya, Tunisia, and NigerSince 2016, Brussels has been funding the Libyan, Nigerien, and Tunisian governments to combat migratory flows through the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF). Yet the same considerations are not being applied to Libya, Tunisia, Niger, and many other regional states, despite extensive proof of ongoing abuses suffered by migrants passing through these countries.

Source: The Guardian May 17, 2024 06:33 UTC

