NEW DELHI: Ruling out resignation of Tejashwi Yadav RJD chief Lalu Prasad on Friday said that "FIR is not a sufficient reason for his son to step down as the deputy chief minister of Bihar. "The present crisis has been engineered to break the Grand Alliance in Bihar," Lalu said, adding, "The RJD won't allow that to happen. ""The RJD will not allow the BJP and the RSS to spread its influence in Bihar," Lalu saidThe RJD chief also rubbished media reports on Sonia Gandhi's mediation to bring truce between the alliance partners. "People across the country are fully aware of Nitish Kumar's clean image and his stand of zero tolerance against corruption. "RJD has no other way as BJP has conspired to target our leader Tejashwi Yadav.
Source: Times of India July 14, 2017 17:08 UTC