In all likelihood, BJP-led NDA's nominee Ram Nath Kovind will become the 14th president of the country. Even if the Opposition fields a candidate, Kovind is likely to sail through successfully as numbers are stacked in NDA's favour. ELEVATION OF VICE PRESIDENTSOf the 13 presidents so far, almost half of them (six) rose from the post of vice president. ALSO READ:Ram Nath Kovind for President: Nitish Kumar breaks ranks with Opposition, says will support BJP's nomineeIndia's next President: Opposition may field joint candidate against Ram Nath Kovind. 4 names in the raceRam Nath Kovind: Why BJP's presidential pick may face Supreme Court test after he is electedRam Nath Kovind as presidential candidate: How BJP continues to aggressively woo DalitsRam Nath Kovind is BJP nominee for President: 5 other times Amit Shah-led party surprised usWATCH:JD-U to extend support to NDA's presidential candidate Ram Nath Kovind
Source: India Today June 20, 2017 12:53 UTC