Mubarakan is the fist movie that features Anil Kapoor with nephew Arjun Kapoor. Mubarakan is the fist movie that features Anil Kapoor with nephew Arjun Kapoor. This is the first time Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor who share an uncle-nephew relationship in real life are sharing screen space together and when Anil was asked how it was working with Arjun, Anil called the experience emotional. But there was a very emotional professionalism,” said Anil Kapoor. #MeetTheSinghs #MubarakanTrailer — Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) June 20, 2017The trailer of Mubarakan seems super fun, and the filmmakers and Anil Kapoor are making sure they let everyone know that the film is a complete family entertainer.
Source: Indian Express June 20, 2017 12:45 UTC