Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday reprimanded Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar during a meeting of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) parliamentary party for forgetting an important file. The meeting was held ahead of the budget session in the National Assembly (NA). On his turn to address the meeting, the minister kept looking for a missing while related to the Federal Budget 2019-20, which led to the premier rebuking him. خسرو بختیار بجٹ سے متعلق اہم فائل اپنے دفتر بھول گئے ،وزیر اعظم عمران نے جھاڑ پلا دی. وزیر اعظم کا غصہ خسرو بختیار نے اپنے بزرگ اسٹاف پر اتار دیا — M AWAIS KIYANI (@MAWAISKIYANI) June 11, 2019According to the video of the incident which went viral on social media, after the meeting, visibly-angry Khusro Bakhtiar vented out his frustration at an elderly staff member and ordered him to bring him the file at the earliest.
Source: Pakistan Today June 11, 2019 16:07 UTC