According to Arif Habib Limited’s analyst Ahsan Mehanti, stocks showed signs of recovery amid higher trading in a pre-budget rally after reports of Rs7.02-trillion federal budget outlay in fiscal year 2019-20. Major volumes were seen in the cement sector (18.7 million) followed by power sector (11.8 million) and technology sector (10.5 million), it added. JS Global analyst Maaz Mulla said equities remained in the positive territory with the KSE-100 index gaining 92 points, closing at 34,660. K-Electric was the volume leader with 9 million shares, gaining Rs0.07 to close at Rs4.34. It was followed by Unity Foods with 7.3 million shares, gaining Rs0.52 to close at Rs10.35 and TRG Pakistan with 7.2 million shares, gaining Rs0.69 to close at Rs15.01.
Source: The Express Tribune June 11, 2019 15:45 UTC