Kerala health department on toes as amoebic meningitis deaths spark fear - News Summed Up

Kerala health department on toes as amoebic meningitis deaths spark fear

Manoj Panicker, of the Wayanad Aquatic Club, highlights several concerns about privately owned swimming pools, including lack of proper permissions and the absence of mechanisms to ensure water quality. According to him, there are more than 20,000 privately owned swimming pools in the state, a number that is expected to double. This raises significant public health concerns, particularly regarding water quality and the proper use of chlorine. Govt issues warning amid continued rainWith heavy rainfall persisting, the health department has issued a warning for amoebic meningitis and other diseases. It is also recommended that water in theme parks and swimming pools be properly chlorinated.

Source: Indian Express June 29, 2024 13:13 UTC

