Kenya on Sunday recorded 1,354 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the country's case load to 298,509, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe has said. Kagwe said that there are 1,029 patients currently admitted in various health facilities countrywide, while 23,667 are under the Home-Based Isolation and Care program. Some 53 patients are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 21 of them on ventilatory support while 26 are on supplemental oxygen. Meanwhile, 400 patients have recovered from the disease, 216 from the Home-Based Isolation and Care program while 184 are from various health facilities countrywide. Total recoveries now stand at254,115 of whom 204,806 are from the Home-Based Care and Isolation program, while 49,309 are from various health facilities countrywide.
Source: The Star January 02, 2022 16:09 UTC