John Ivison: Trans Mountain approval a high wire act on which Trudeau is staking his future - News Summed Up

John Ivison: Trans Mountain approval a high wire act on which Trudeau is staking his future

It is a high wire act on which the prime minister is staking his future. That move sparked Alberta’s NDP premier, Rachel Notley, to pull out of the climate plan agreement, swiftly followed by Manitoba. Now five provinces — Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick — have been forced, very much against their will, to accept the federal carbon tax backstop. Rather than securing majority support in every province, the political conjoining of a pipeline and the carbon tax has yielded little but friction. It seems unlikely the prime minister will get credit in the four provinces where premiers are in high dudgeon about the federal carbon tax.

Source: National Post June 19, 2019 00:02 UTC

