Is the roof shout dying a death? - News Summed Up
Is the roof shout dying a death?

Is the roof shout dying a death?

August 26, 2020 23:15 UTC

Trending Today

Is the roof shout dying a death?

Throwing a roof shout has a long history here in New Zealand, but is it still a thing? The roof shout exists in many countries but here in New Zealand it seems to mean beer, beer and more beer. But Hooper-Greenhill said she knew builders who in the past really looked forward to a roof shout. Builder Chelsea Roper said in her almost three years as a builder in Queenstown she had never once attended a roof shout. Hallmark Homes co-owner Mike Bonne said the roof shout happened very infrequently now.

Source: Stuff August 26, 2020 23:15 UTC

