International group accuses Egypt and UAE of undermining reconciliation in Libya - News Summed Up

International group accuses Egypt and UAE of undermining reconciliation in Libya

The International Work Group for Libya has slammed the UAE and Egypt for undermining the national reconciliation efforts in the country and failing the UNSMIL by bribing its employees to favor one political party over the other, besides wreaking havoc in the country. International Work Group for Libya is an NGO formed to push for a solution to the Libyan crisis. “The UAE has used UNSMIL envoys for inhumane acts. The statement also adds that Salame has been working on legitimizing Khalifa Haftar more than working on condemning his crimes and brining him and others to the International Criminal Court. Former Libyan Prime Minister, Omar Al-Hassi, announced the formation the International Work Group for Libya headed by him with Mahmoud Refaat; the President the European Institute for Intl.

Source: Libya Observer April 24, 2018 17:15 UTC

