In first executive order, Trump tells agencies to ease ObamaCare burden - News Summed Up

In first executive order, Trump tells agencies to ease ObamaCare burden

In his first hours as president Friday, Donald Trump ordered federal agencies to "ease the burden" of ObamaCare while his chief of staff directed an immediate regulatory freeze. It also tells agencies to waive, defer or delay imposing any ObamaCare provisions that impose fiscal penalties on states, health care providers, families or individuals. Priebus' memo says that agencies shouldn't submit any regulations to be published in the Federal Register unless a Trump-selected agency head approves it. The memo is similar to one that Obama's chief of staff issued the day Obama was inaugurated in 2009. Asked about his first day as president, Trump described it as "busy but good -- a beautiful day."

Source: Fox News January 21, 2017 00:48 UTC

