Gun safety: Time to go on offense (Opinion) - News Summed Up

Gun safety: Time to go on offense (Opinion)

We met some really interesting people along the way -- gun owners, law enforcement officers, veterans -- and we learned that they, too, are fed up with our nation's gun violence crisis. In tight congressional races like Nevada's 4th and Florida's 7th Congressional Districts, gun violence prevention candidates ran -- and won -- on strengthening gun laws. Third, we will elect more gun violence prevention champions and fight for gun safety policies in 2018 and 2020. Although the gun lobby spent a record $30 million supporting his campaign , Donald Trump has recognized and endorsed some new measures to reduce gun violence. Gabby and I returned to public service in the hopes that we could save lives by bringing Americans together around responsible, commonsense gun safety policies -- Americans who are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and gun owners like us.

Source: CNN January 21, 2017 00:46 UTC

