A class X student studying in Hyderabad suffered serious head injuries and had to undergo surgery on Wednesday, after he was allegedly beaten by his teacher, according to a Deccan Chronicle report. According to the report, the teacher of Rajadhani School, Papi Reddy Nagar near Jagathgirigutta, allegedly assaulted him using a wooden duster for not attending classes. Suresh Kumar, 14, collapsed outside the office room after the abuse and was rushed to a hospital where he had to undergo surgery to remove a blood clot inside his head. However, the school officials denied the allegations and said that the teacher did not assault him but only scolded the student. Jagadhigirigutta Police has booked a case against the teacher, Rama Devi, following a complaint by the student’s father.
Source: Indian Express October 27, 2016 04:54 UTC