The NSE Nifty broke below the 8,600-mark on Thursday, with participants liquidating bets in view of October derivatives expiry. 10.40am: The BSE Sensex is down by 111.10 points, or 0.40%, to 27,725.41, while the Nifty50 of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) shed 47.25 points, or 0.55%, to 8,568. Net profit rose to Rs2,500 crore in the three months ended 30 September from Rs2,262.5 crore a year ago, the company said on Thursday. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.2% higher to 18,199.33, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 index sank 0.2% to 2,139.43. The Nasdaq composite index shed 0.6% to 5,250.27.
Source: Mint October 27, 2016 04:45 UTC